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Remote Editing with Atom

Adapted from

Installing Atom and ftp-remote-edit

  1. Download

  2. Open Atom (might need to save it to your Applications folder).

  3. Packages -> Settings View -> Install Packages/Themes

  4. Search for and install ftp-remote-edit

  5. Hit ctrl + space to bring up the dialog to enter a master password. This is the password that will unlock your server settings.

  6. Right-click the Edit Servers button and select Edit Servers

  7. Click/type all of this in:
    • click New
    • The name of the server: basin (or whatever name you prefer; this is the name you will use to refer to the server in the future)
    • The hostname or IP:
    • Port: 22
    • Protocol: SFTP
    • Logon Type: Username/Password
    • Username for authentication: enter-your-Midd-username (ex: mcannavo) **this is the part before the "@" sign in your Midd email**
    • Password for authentication: enter-your-Midd-password **this is your general Middlebury password**
    • Initial Directory: enter /home/your-username/ (ex: /home/mcannavo/)
    • click Save
  1. Now click on the basin (or whatever server name you used) folder in the Remote tab, and you should see whatever files you have stored on the basin server.

At this point, if you click on/open a file, make an edit, and then save the file, a green box should pop up saying “File successfully uploaded”.

New Files

To create a new file from within Atom, you need to right-click on the folder/directory where you want the new file to be. The image below shows the menu that pops up when you right-click on a folder. Selecting New File will open a box allowing you to enter the name of the new file.


Rebooting or Restarting Atom

If you reboot your machine or restart Atom, you’ll need your ftp-remote-edit master password again. Just hit ctrl + space to get the pop-up where you enter your master password.

If you forget your master password, there are ways to wipe out the old one and create a new one (see the Settings for ftp-remote-edit and wipe out the Encrypted Connection and Encrypted Password).