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Vine's logo

Vine is a social media platform, created by Dom Hofmann, Rus Yusupov, and Colin Kroll in June of 2012, that allows users to share short captured videos.[1]Similar to Twitter, Vine limits the quantity of media being published. Videos can be no longer than 6 seconds and can be cut up to record several clips from different angles, moments, locations, people etc.[2] This feature differentiates Vine from other video networks such as Youtube, Keek, Vimeo and Facebook.[3] The app inspires creativity, insight, and fun.[4] Additionally, Vine allows you to follow your friends and favourite celebrities. Posts can be liked, shared and posted to other social media networks such as Facebook and Twitter (who purchased to company in October 2012).[5]

Vine 1.0

Vine was created by Dom Hofmann, Rus Yusupov, and Colin Kroll in June 2012 and launched in January 2013 [6]. Vine was primarily a free app made for iOS on the iPhone and iPod touch. In April 9th, Vine became to most downloaded app on the iPhone. [7] This earlier version of Vine limited who could use the app, and how it could be used. Once a clip was taken – recorded simply by holding the screen – they were not saved. All clips then had to be exactly they way the user wished.

Vine 2.0

In June 2013, Vine became available on the Android and later for Windows 8 phones in July[8]. This increased its reach globally being available to just about any Smartphone.

In October 2013, Vine added two new features: Sessions and Time-Travel [9]. Time-Travel allows you to edit posts, making temporality more asynchronous. Sessions lets you save drafts and work on several projects at a time.


Vine created a Facebook page and videos could be viewed by any one of the network’s 1.15 billion users. Since the app was not on Facebook, you could not follow or be followed. Instead the videos that were posted were deemed the most popular and “Vine famous” became a social cue as a result.

Vine as a Medium

Part of what made Vine so popular was its unique ability to show information. As a medium, Vine is similar to Twitter in the the way that it limits the amount of information users can share. Because all vines must be exactly 6 seconds or less, they are supremely easy to make, but extremely challenging to make well.[10] As a result, Vine is able to be an extremely accessible form of communication while also being engaging and entertaining to long time users.[11]Furthermore, unlike Twitter, Vine has the advantage of the richness of video. Because users are working with videos, it's easier to put together a coherent story that user can actually understand – In vine's case, it's true that a picture really does speak a thousand word.[12]

Community and Identity

In its later stages, Vine developed a specific community around people looking for amusing videos filmed by creative, relatively unknown users. This shifted popularity from celebrities to those who were able to take advantage of what the platform had to offer. The use of videos allows individuals to display their own identity, whether it is artistic, funny or just their everyday developments. Through the tool of "revining" and "liking" vines, a user builds a profile that reflects their specific likes and dislikes. Such a demonstration of what appeals to the user is what allows their Vine profile to take shape.
