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Tumblr is a social networking site that allows users to share pictures, links, videos, memes, stories, and much more. Originally founded by David Karp in 2007, Tumblr is now owned by Yahoo! Inc. In May of 2013, Yahoo! reported that Tumblr has approximately 300 million monthly users, and this number continues to grow each day.[1]


In 2006, David Karp and developer Marco Arment created Tumblr. Karp had always had in interest in blogging, specifically in microblogging, which is a more concise form of blogging. He hoped that Tumblr would function as an outlet for other microblogging enthusiasts. Tumblr gained instant popularity with over 75,000 users within the first two weeks. In September of 2010, Marco Arment left Tumblr to create Instapaper.[2] Karp continues to develop the site to better suit new users.

Baym's 7 Key Concepts


Tumblr can be as interactive as a user desires, yet it is still limited to the main "reblogging" and "following" options that it provides. The "reblogging" feature, which was added to the site in 2007, allows users to share posts by other Tumblr users.[3] "Reblogging" is similar to the "retweet" on Twitter in that it encourages socialization. This socialization aspect of Tumblr allows the website to have a larger reach. The content that one person "reblogs" is not limited to just themselves, but it is also shared with everyone that follows them. This creates a cycle of content exposure for different users. The "reblog" also serves a broader purpose giving people the opportunity to express themselves by sharing the posts that they identify with most, further shaping the personality and vibe of their own page.[4]

The ability for a user to have their own personality on their websites is something that also affects the interactivity of the site. "Reblogging" things that appeal to others will get others to "reblog" that same content. The user that reblogged the content might even get follows because of this. The ability to distribute the content that appeals to the specific user attracts other users who are appealed by the same things. In this sense, users are constantly exposing themselves and their likes to others which in turn creates interactions with other Tumblr users.

Furthermore, Tumblr resembles Twitter through the "follow" and "tagging" features. Users can follow blogs they like, which will appear on their dashboard. Using a tag on a post can allows other users to find similar photos, videos, blogs, etc. with the same tag. For example, a person that like dogs might search "dogs", and they will find posts related to dogs.
