More about adding resources

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View an alternate version with full-color screenshots (208)

Download an excellent PDF with detailed screenshots, created by Carleton College (AcadTech).

Detailed instructions (text-only)

Resources can be things like Microsoft Word files, PowerPoint slides, PDF documents or audio (mp3) files.

1. Turn editing on. (button in the top right-hand corner of main page)

2. Scroll down to the week or topic where you wish to add the file. Click on Add a RESOURCE, and then choose Link to a file or web site.

3. You will be taken to a screen that asks you for a title for the file (this is the text that users will see on your main course page, and will click on in order to access file).

4. Optional: you can add a summary about the file also in the summary box below.

5. Click on the Choose or upload a file button

6. This will take you to a page where you can either choose an existing file or upload a new one. To upload a new file click the Upload a file button.

7. Then Browse for the file on your computer that you want to upload. When you have chosen the file, click Upload this file.

8. You will be taken back to the files menu. From here you can choose the file you want by clicking the word CHOOSE in the far RIGHT-HAND column next to the file.

This will bring you back to your upload page.

9. You now need to scroll down to the bottom of the page and make sure to click Save changes at the bottom of the page. (Your document will automatically open; you can click cancel.) To return to your main moodle page, use the breadcrumb navigation bar at the top of the page.

The same steps may be used for Microsoft Word files, PowerPoint files, audio (mp3) files and PDFs.

Additional resources on other (non-MIIS) sites

Carleton College - Link to a file or web site

Moodle Docs - Link to a file or web site

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