Minutes for 2/20/09

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DMC Meeting Minutes for Friday, February 20, 2009

Prepared by: Ryan Gonzalez

Present at Meeting: Jeremy Robinson, Molly Ammons, Luis Gain, Pilar Chaves, DeVan Hankerson

Meeting Accomplishments:

    1.  For internal communication, twitter or yammer' will be used.  Molly is point of contact for this project. 

   2.  Web presence: 
       Wordpress Blog for showcasing media projects/blog.  Link to Wiki for tech articles and tutorials.
        o Pending debates:  (Luis and Jeremy are contact people) 
       o The issue to be decided upon is whether the blog will serve as our main web space with the miis.edu/dmc url serving as an auto-forward 
to our blog space.  It would house our mission statement, staff members, hours, links to wiki, etc. OR if we should have a landing page on 
miis.edu/dmc consistent with the MIIS website's layout playing host to this information and providing links to the blog and wiki. 
       o Rationale for Wordpress as main site with miis.edu/dmc url as auto-forward: 
              + Only want one central place for sending people for our information.  
              + Concern that having info stored on a page on miis.edu would deter people from continuing on to actually reading the blog or 
looking at the wiki.  This is the "one more click" argument. 
      o Rationale for landing page on miis.edu/dmc with links to blog and wiki. 
              + Layout stays consistent with overall miis.edu layout.  Important aesthetic element for external viewers not part of MIIS 
community, looks more professional. 
              + All pertinent information about DMC, hours, staff, etc. will be on landing page and not buried in navigation menus of blog. 
If viewers want to go directly to blog or wiki, they can use bookmarks 

Priority Issues for Next Meeting (Friday, Feb 27)Italic text

1. Solidify Thursday Workshop schedule, with workshop date, theme and "instructor"

2. Possible Open House: For new Wordpress blog? For DMC?

3. Skins aside, is the Webspace ready?

4. Discuss internal communication tool - Yammer

5. Media inventory and check out/check in policy

Meeting Dialogue

   * Jeremy: Thanks for the guidance Molly....
  * Luis: Consultations with professors, quizzes with Moodle?  In collaboration with TLC, options available for online quizzes on moodle.  
Investigating other sources to use.  Database with online gradebook, etc.?  Quia.com and hot potatoes as alternative tools.
  * Jeremy: Better communication in developing friday meetings.  Working with instructors for ideas for future workshops, talent maximization.  
Luis will gather information about "glorious webspace", wordpress
  * Luis: Media wiki will be the webpage for technical issues and wordpress will be the brochure site. 
Also use the DMC page on the MIIIS website for us to use as a reference point for now. 
  * Pilar: Suggests that we use the miis website to develop our web presence on the miis.edu main site.  
We need to create a presence so that people know where to go.
  * Molly:  4 things that came upn education, culture, communication, content creation?  What are we talking about with the web presence?
  * Group:  We are talking about all 4 with web presence.
  * Molly: Creating a diagram of positives and benefits of each tool that we have.
  * Jeremy:  Wordpress, creating a library, it's not very easy to organize besides just searching.
  * Luis:  We will have more than just 4 or 5 sub-categories.  Plus to the mediawiki is the table of contents to show all of the relevant posts that are there.  
The mediawiki is a resources of references that can be used.
  * Pilar:  use miisstories blog to showcase programs, but we need to include an "about us" section to communicate our mission, philosophy, etc.
        o provide people with miis.edu/dmc as the url and have a landing page
  * Molly:  We agree that we will use wordpress to highlight and showcase the projects that are being developed and the mediawiki to host the library.
  * Ryan:  Use miis.edu/dmc to have a landing page with a little bit about what the DMC does, hours, location etc... 
keeping in mind that the miis.edu website has visitors other than students
        o (The other idea is to have miis.edu/dmc link directly to the wordpress site and use that as our main navigation)
  * Molly:  Using twitter or yammer to communicate internally with each other?
  * Jeremy:  Will look at wordpress development site and landing site issue.
  * DeVan:  Announce our MIIS website grand opening!
  * Jeremy:  The only thing that will take a long time for the blog to get up to public standards will be to get the skin and layout to look like the miis.edu site.  
  * Molly:  Jeremy will be point person, DeVan and Luis will be point people
  * Jeremy:  Goal for next week, skins aside... blog will be ready for public.  
  * Molly:  Docket for next week - Promotion, Open house, broadcast, intra-communication using twitter and yammer
  * Jeremy on yammer:  $8 .com purchase to create own yammer network, possibility of creating private groups in twitter.
  * Pilar and Molly will look at yammer as a possibility for internal communication.

   * Other issues?  
        o We need to have a news update (Terabyte drives are in), Pilar - more work on Bento... need to work on Bio's, DeVan working on windows podcast... 
broke though able to transfer photostory to Mac for podcasting, Ryan did workshops for Bootcamp 1 (some people complained that there were too many people - 
the cap should be serious....), Luis tags himself on Mediawiki for things that he is working on, should we all do the same?
        o Molly:  Scheduling for Thursday workshops... the schedule needs to be done since people think we are going to be teaching each Thursday.  
DMCers should look at the document that Pilar prepared with topics that we are interested in teaching