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Remote Editing with Atom

Adapted from

Installing Atom and ftp-remote-edit

  1. Download

  2. Open Atom (might need to save it to your Applications folder).

  3. Packages -> Settings View -> Install Packages/Themes

  4. Search for and install ftp-remote-edit

  5. On the left you should see a button to click to enter a master password. This is the password that will unlock your server settings.

  6. Right-click the Edit Servers button and select Edit Servers

  7. Click/type all of this in:
    • click New
    • The name of the server: basin (or whatever name you prefer)
    • The hostname or IP:
    • Port: 22
    • Protocol: SFTP
    • Logon Type: Username/Password
    • Username for authentication: enter-your-username (ex: mcannavo)
    • Password for authentication: enter-your-Midd-password
    • Initial Directory: enter /home/your-username/ (ex: /home/mcannavo/)
    • click Save

    <img src="ftp-remote-settings.png" width='400' height='550'/>

  1. Now click on the basin folder in the Remote tab, and you should see whatever files you have stored on the basin server.

At this point, if you click on/open a file, make an edit, and then save the file, a green box should pop up saying “File successfully uploaded”.

New Files

To create a new file from within Atom, you need to right-click on the folder/directory where you want the new file to be. The image below shows the menu that pops up when you right-click on a folder. Selecting New File will open a box allowing you to enter the name of the new file.


    <img src="httpsatomnewfile.png" width='600' height='480'/>

Rebooting or Restarting Atom

If you reboot your machine or restart Atom, you’ll need your ftp-remote-edit master password again. Just hit ctrl + space to get the pop-up where you enter your master password.

If you forget your master password, there are ways to wipe out the old one and create a new one (see the Settings for ftp-remote-edit and wipe out the Encrypted Connection and Encrypted Password).