Indie Games

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An Indie Game or Independent Video Game (if you aren't into slang abbreviations) are video games created by small game development teams or individuals separate from an large scale video game publisher.


Unlike many other genres, there are no specific requirements, play styles or story-lines essential to classifying a game as an Indie Game. While many do share similar characteristics, the only requirement for being classified as an Indie Game is an independent development structure. This line can however, be blurred. Take for example, the popular Indie Game, "Super Meat Boy," which was developed my a small team of two but worked closely with Microsoft to launch the game exclusively on Xbox Live.

History of Genre

Indie Games are a relatively new genre, while technically independently developed games have been created since game development began, Indie game: The Movie states that 2008 was when the genre began[1].

In 2012, an independently funded documentary Indie Game: The Movie was produced that followed the development of several Indie Games.


Without the financial backing of a large game publisher, many Indie Games rely on crowd funding in order to support the process of creating their game.

Prominent Examples

Super Meat Boy


  1. Indie Game: The Movie. Dir. Lisanne Pajot and James Swirsky. Web. <>.